Illinois Scary Urban Legends, ‘Lovers Leap’ Will be the Death of You

By Captain Jack at

A bluff overlooking the Illinois and Mississippi rivers in Pere Marquette Park is the location, the time frame takes us back to a time of Indian Chiefs, and a daughter that fell in love named “Laughing Water.” Ok…

Girl hanging from a bluff, about to fall in the water and drown. Boy swims the water, catches the girl…True love. The father of “Laughing Water” was not impressed by the young man, and attempted to shoot a venom dipped arrow at the boy to kill him.

Dad missed, hits daughter. The boyfriend catches girl as she dies…and they leap into the water to die together. Romantic.

So decades and decades later, couples that visit said bluff, have the “sudden urge” to leap to their death…The “Lovers Leap.” Dude, what in the…Check out this video, start at: 5:05 for the “Lovers Leap” story. Romeo and Juliet, eat your heart out…or something.
Read More:  Illinois Scary Urban Legends, ‘Lovers Leap’ Will be the Death of You

Check out Tripping on Legends suicide leaps and tortured lovers…

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Amos and Ingrid: Haunted Love at the Amish Bridge in Sarasota

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Travel Log…The Haunted Lovers and the Other Ghosts of Fort King in Ocala

Check out Christopher Balzano’s books, including the newly released Haunted Ocala National Forest

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