What is the scariest and least defined character in the paranormal?

Shadow Men, Dark Men, Hat Men…they all seem to be creeping into the paranormal narrative, although some would argue that they have always been there.

Join Christopher Balzano as he explores some of the lore behind the man, run-ins Tripping on Legends has had with them over the year, and a dark bunker deep within the Ocala Nation Forest where at least one has been known to play.

Tripping on Legends is now part of the Midnight FM family.  Check us out and see some of the other amazing shows they offer at https://midnight.fm/.

The new book is ready for purchase…

You can follow the media and special little features of the book at https://www.facebook.com/Haunted-Florida-Love-Stories-101968581615103

You can follow our dark journey through the forest as we prepare for the book athttps://www.facebook.com/The-Haunted-Ocala-National-Forest-623189158309846 or by following the hashtag #hauntedOcala.

Follow our new project, This Town is Myth on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ThisTownisMyth

Follow all social media at #ThisTownIsMyth.

You can contact us with questions, comments, and your favorite legend or tidbit of folklore at spookytripping@gmail.com.

Feel free to call our new phone number during our lives shows to get involved or whenever just to share a legend you’ve heard to ask a question at ((813) 418-6822. 

Keep visiting the site for the trip log of our travels and other urban legends at: www.trippingonlegends.com.

Follow us at: www.facebook.com/trippingonlegends

Twitter: @SpookyBalzano

Instagram: @SpookyTripping