‘Tripping on Legends’ author shares newly discovered lore of Marco Island

By Tara Calligan on WGCU.org

As October 31st approaches, we’re taking a look at some of Southwest Florida’s lesser-known folklore, legends and myths.

Most are familiar with the tale of a Skunk Ape creature lurking around Florida swamps, but the Southwest Florida coast is full of a rich subset of tales that add to the history of our state’s past.

Author and folklorist Christopher Balzano of “Tripping on Legends” explains what defines folklore and explores the intersection of how a story turns into lore, which can then turn into a “ghost story.”

Balzano is the author of several books about regional hauntings, like the The cursed children of Arcadia’s Coker Cemetery and A haunted love story under the ‘Amish Bridge’ in Sarasota, which we recorded in 2021.

Read More about the Tripping on Legend stories Tara Calligan has covered on her show.

The Cursed Children of Coker Cemetery in Arcadia, Florida

Amos and Ingrid: Haunted Love at the Amish Bridge in Sarasota

Tripping on Legends Episode 64…Mr. Coker Isn’t Here

Tripping on Legends Episode 115…Lotts and Lots of Bits and Gifts

Tripping on Legends Episode 63…Jumping off at Pinecraft’s Amish Ghost Bridge

Check out Christopher Balzano’s books, including the newly released Haunted Ocala National Forest

Feel free to call our new phone number during our live shows to get involved, share a legend you’ve heard, or to just ask a question at (813) 418-6822.

Follow us at: 

Twitter: @SpookyBalzano
Instagram: @SpookyTripping

You can contact us with questions, comments, and your favorite legend or tidbit of folklore at spookytripping@gmail.com.