Legend Warns Not to Stop Along This Indiana Road Due to the Presence of the Ghostly Hitchhiker

By Melissa at wkdq.com

Ghostly Roads

Every community seems to have its own version of a haunted road, bridge, or tunnel.  For instance, in Avon, Indiana there is the haunted Avon Bridge, there’s also the legend of the Edna Collings Bridge, and of course the infamous legend of the Tunnelton Tunnel.  These are just a few of Indiana’s most notorious haunted road legends.  But have you ever heard the legend of Indiana’s hitchhiking ghost?

The Tragic Drowning of Elizabeth Wilson

In Northern Indiana, there is a road that is known for being notoriously haunted, Reeder Road, or Redar Road as it’s sometimes spelled, is a road located in Griffith, Indiana.  The story varies a bit, but always ends the same way, with Elizabeth drowning.  According to Indiana Haunted Houses, in the 1950s a young woman was traveling down Reeder Road when she lost control of her car and tragically crashed, and drowned in a nearby swamp.
Read More:  Legend Warns Not to Stop Along This Indiana Road Due to the Presence of the Ghostly Hitchhiker

Check out Tripping on Legends Hitchhikers and our legend trip in Indiana…

The Red Headed Hitchhiker of Route 44

Tripping on Legends Episode 113…Haunted Roads, Take Me Home

Episode 59…Wandering Women and White Horses

Episode 22…Meeting the Pukwudgies in Indiana

Travel Log…The Haunted Lovers and the Other Ghosts of Fort King in Ocala

The Legend of Julia, the White Lady of Rolling Acres Road in Lady Lake

Episode 23…100 Step Cemetery in Indiana

Check out Christopher Balzano’s books, including the newly released Haunted Ocala National Forest

Feel free to call our new phone number during our live shows to get involved, share a legend you’ve heard, or to just ask a question at (813) 418-6822.

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